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Bruce Lee – A case study in Astrology
The immortal hero of Martial arts Almost everyone knows Bruce Lee the unforgettable martial art actor, philosopher, instructor, the...
Secrets of Ashtakavarga revealed
In your computer horoscope have you seen many charts with lots of numbers in them? Have you wondered what they are trying to tell you?...
Why only Sarpa (Snake) Dosha why not Lion Tiger and Elephant Dosha?
SARPA DOSHA or RAHU related Doshas are amongst the most commonly discussed Doshas. Doshas means Blemish. All doshas are reversible. What...
The right and wrong reason
Reasoning is doube edged. It can take you to the wrong path and also to truth. Reasoning is double edged. It can take you to the wrong...
Obesity is due to your Karma
What is the real reason for obesity? Is the information that you currently possess on obesity sufficient enough? Has your dietitian...
The Shrinking of the Solar System and Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology is not dependent on which planet is in or out Pluto is out. Most people I meet these days are asking me this 1-dollar...

The Horoscope of Jaggi Vasudev (Sadhguru)
Sadhguru, also known as Jaggi Vasudev, is a revered spiritual leader, yogi, and the founder of the Isha Foundation. He offers practical...
Jan 2016 : Luck Graph for all 12 Moon Signs
Jan 2016 : Luck Graph for all 12 Moon Signs The monthly luck graph is taken from DIPA Astrology Diary 2016. This is useful for all those...
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 1st house
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 1st house Sun in the 1st house indicates serious eye trouble usually retina problems that are difficult to cure...
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 2nd house
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 2nd house Sun in the 2nd house indicates serious diseases of the mouth. The person may incur the wrath of the...
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 3rd house
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 3rd house Sun in the 3rd house may mean the person is without a sibling. It may also mean trouble through brothers...
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 4th house
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 4th house Sage Brighu (Ref: Bhrigu Sutra) that the Sun in the 4th house indicates a defective limb, high level of...
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 5th house
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 5th house Sun in the 5th house deals primarily with either children or wealth. This is as mentioned by most...

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