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Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 6th house
The 6th house deals primarily with disease, debts and enemies. It is interesting to know that Sun in the 6th house can make you wealthy....
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 7th house
Sun in the 8th house indicates less number of children, vision problems, loss of wealth, reduction in longevity, chronic disease etc....
BEEP SONG : Is SIMBU in a challenging Saturn phase?
In this Video I have discussed the connections between swear words that start with F and P and and Saturn. Using the incidents in the...
Bhrigu Sutram : Sun in 8th house
Sun in the 8th house indicates less number of children, vision problems, loss of wealth, reduction in longevity, chronic disease etc....
Saturn Transit 2014 November 2
The term “Saturn Transit” simply means that Saturn is moving from one zodiac sign (Rasi) to the next. This happens once in approximately...

The Fascinating Number 8
The twist and turns in number 8 8 is the most fascinating and enigmatic single digit number. Feared by many, preferred by a few, this...
The Unscientific Methods of Richard Dawkins.
Scientists are used to the terms like scientific thinking, science, scientific reasoning, scientific logic, scientific proof. They use it...
The Fate of Astrologers
Astrology is a divine profession Agreed. Astrology does not belong to earth. It came from the heaven above. Those who believe this say...
Hello world!
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The S Curve of Saturn
The S curve is as simple as the letter S. Everything that you see starts off at the bottom. Like when we were a baby. We were crawling on...

The Right Angle of Everything
What is the creature on the picture? Take a long look at the following picture. You see a frog . The frog is sad of course. Maybe it is...

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